Maryland Medical College
Baltimore, Maryland
The Baltimore Sun covered school openings, commencements, and some sporting events. The Sun reported that students had published a yearbook named the Collegian in 1911. This would be a valuable resource, but I have been unable to find a copy. The Flexner Report is available on HathiTrust--as is the ad (right) which appeared in the Maryland Medical Journal in 1902.

The National Temperance Hospital and Maryland Medical College were founded by a group of nine Baltimore doctors, headed by Joseph H. Branham. Capital stock in the amount of $5,000 was offered. With 14 professors and 70 students, M.M.C. opened in 1898. While the school had a three-year program, the first commencement in May of 1899 graduated 17 doctors. A year later, 44 graduated, representing 17 states and 3 foreign countries. Enrollment reached 150 by 1904.
Other than a 1901 hazing incident, M.M.C. made little social news. A chapter of the Phi Chi fraternity was organized in 1903. There was also a chapter of Kappa Psi fraternity for pharmaceutical students. Apparently M.M.C. shared some fraternal and Y.M.C.A. activities with the other Baltimore medical schools.
In 1909 the Flexner Report named Maryland Medical College as one of the schools whose upper classes were recruited by “emigration” from other medical schools. That is, students who were failing or not being promoted at their original college emigrated to—and were accepted by—Maryland Medical College. Of the 150 students at M.M.C. in 1904, 104 were graduating seniors. In 1913 the American Medical Association gave M.M.C. the C rating for “colleges requiring a complete reorganization to make them acceptable.”
As late as 1914 Maryland Medical College was one of the schools mentioned as being a part of the reorganization of the University of Maryland. But ultimately M.M.C. was not accepted. The school is listed as closed after the 1913 school year.
Bricks and Mortar
Maryland Medical College purchased the Newton Academy building at 1114-1120 West Baltimore Street.
A dispensary, open daily 12-2, occupied the ground floor. The fourth floor became the 24-bed National Temperance Hospital. But needing more space, M.M.C. purchased two buildings at the corner of Calhoun and Fayette in 1901, merging these for a new, enlarged hospital, named Franklin Square Hospital. A new hospital building was erected on the same plot in 1905.
Even with limited operating capital (estimated at $7,000 annually), M.M.C. continued to improve its West Baltimore location, creating an amphitheater seating 200 students in addition to a lecture hall with a capacity of 100 students. A new pathological and histological lab was added.
The Flexner team was not impressed by these facilities. They termed the building “wretchedly dirty.” The “so-called” labs “represented the worst existing type.” The dissecting room was “foul.” The school lacked a museum, a library, or any teaching accessories.
In 1912 M.M.S. moved to a new location on Franklin Square, near the hospital.

The 1880 Sanborn Fire Insurance map shows the Newton Academy building as a 4-floor brick structure. Note that it is set back from the street, a feature which made it more suitable for a school and hospital. Image courtesy of the Baltimore City Archives.
Team name: As with most medical schools, M.M.C. teams are referred to as “Medicos.”
School colors: Possibly Red and Green, but these may be the colors only of the nursing
school associated with Franklin Square Hospital.
In 1901 the Sun reported an upcoming football game with Western Maryland College. In 1903 the Medicos lost three games—to the Indians, Rock Hill College and a mixed team representing Sadler’s Business College. The 1904 team played a complete schedule including Mt. St. Mary’s College, Maryland Agricultural College, Mount Washington College, Norfolk College, Gettysburg College and George Washington University. Newspapers show no more games until 1908 when the Medicos lost to McCulloh Athletic Club and the University of Maryland-Baltimore. While the teams featured veteran players from other schools, it isn’t clear that they won any games.
Newspapers show basketball games in 1908 and 1912 and a baseball game in 1909.
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